Our aircraft maintenance crews spend most of their time behind the scenes, making sure our air ambulances meet the standards required to transport patients. Without them, it would be impossible for our operations to function.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the unique job done by our amazing maintenance team requires unique precautions. Recognizing that their work environment can sometimes make social distancing more difficult, we have implemented processes that make it possible by limiting the number of technicians on each shift. And, of course, we ensure any and all personal protective equipment (PPE) is always available to them. We also require temperature checks daily as part of the screening process and require teammates to stay home at the first signs of illness, even if it is not believed to be related to COVID-19. 

Aircraft maintenance personnel work in close quarters at indoor locations, which makes masks, coveralls, and face shields imperative. Air Methods’ bases are well-stocked with PPE as a part of overall mitigation, and we also disinfect our aircraft after every transport and require social distancing at all times. This protects our maintenance team, our flight crews and, of course, our patients. We currently have the most reliable protocols in place and continue to focus on keeping everyone at our bases safe during the pandemic.

This is an unprecedented time. The entire world has been forced to pivot quickly and apply precautions that keep us all safe. Our aircraft maintenance crews are no different. We have adapted, and that has equipped us with the tools necessary to cope with similar crises should they occur in the future. We have incorporated those lessons into an updated Emergency Response Plan, as well.

We continue to collect data about the safest ways to function on our bases and in our aircraft, and are constantly evaluating an array of options to ensure we are always up to date. We must be proactive in analyzing and assessing technicians’ daily routines so that activities are seamless. We depend on our maintenance teams, and so do our patients.