
Being a part of an air medical crew is more than just transporting people by helicopter. It’s being part of a person’s life at their most vulnerable moment. And when that person is a child, it leaves a lasting imprint on your heart. The call to five-year-old Safyre Terry’s home was one such night.

It was May 2013, when an arson fire broke out at Safrye’s home where she lived with her father and three siblings. Safrye was the only survivor – and she only survived because her father protected her with his own body. When firefighters pulled her from the ashes, they found that she was burned on over 75% of her body. But thanks to those firefighters, the first responders and the LifeNet New York crew, Safrye was saved.

Known as the “Super Survivor,” Safyre’s story is one of strength. She is an inspiration to many, including the LifeNet crew that finally had the opportunity to meet her again. It’s not often that an air medical crew gets the opportunity to see the outcome from one of their calls. And this call, in particular, was one they were not only proud to be a part of, but thankful to be as well.