Make Native Air Ambulance

Your First Call

New Mexico and Texas:
800-642-7828 (STAT)

Native Air Ambulance is always here to answer your call. For helicopter or fixed-wing transport, please call our dispatch number above.

Click here to access our Customer Feedback Hub. This hub allows you to provide feedback, ask questions, submit comments, or recognize your local flight crew.

See Why Native Air is The Best Choice in Air Medical

Native Air Ambulance provides essential and livesaving air medical services throughout Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas. During missions, highly trained medical teams care for patients with lifesaving interventions to significantly improve patient outcomes. These interventions include providing advanced trauma care such as blood products administration; advanced airway intervention; cardiac/hemodynamic monitoring; ventilator management; vasoactive medication administration and titration; and advanced surgical procedures. More information on Native Air.

Native Air helicopter at sunset.

Learn More About Our Programs

At Air Methods, we’re ready to save lives at every moment of every day, with over 300 bases of operations, serving 49 states.