Industry Leader in Safety Programs

Our safety program follows many established guidelines as well as partaking in several voluntary safety programs. Each day our objective is “Everybody Comes Home.”

Everyday readiness is a core factor in achieving our safety objective at Air Methods. While no small feat, it takes a team effort on the front line to accomplish it every day, on every flight. The team concept is key to our success. We believe each teammate’s state of readiness is vital to high performance in a high-risk environment with low tolerance for error. Arriving fit for duty is as much a status as it is a commitment to one’s self, teammates, and accomplishment of the mission. It is not only what we accomplish, but how we accomplish it.


Our development and investment in safety programs — from patient safety and flight operations, to aviation safety and compliance programs — are unmatched in the air medical industry.

  • We have been approved to be one of 22 Part 135 operators to start an FAA-certified SMS program– Only 1% of Part 135 operators receive this distinction. This means that we can set the tone for our safety culture and have a lasting impact on our partners and customers.
  • Patient Safety Action Program (PSAP): Designed internally by the company and modeled similarly to the FAA program. 
  • Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP)/Maintenance Safety Action Program (MSAP): Foster a voluntary, cooperative, nonpunitive environment for the open reporting of operational safety concerns. Reports provide information from a frontline perspective that may not otherwise be available, often leading to positive changes.

Risk Analysis and Mitigation

We are proud to create an environment that is fully transparent through the “Just Culture Matrix” which helps us determine accountability for individuals involved in an incident and throughout the organization. 

  • When an incident occurs, we turn to the Incident Review Board policy to reduce risk. We also apply the “Just Culture Matrix” and utilize a predefined culpability scale. 
  • We have developed strategies and processes in our overall safety program that provide accountability for teammates and the organization, enabling trust. 
  • The final step in our “Just Culture Matrix” involves validating the offense or eliminating a willful violation of noncompliance.


We participate in 75 to 100 monthly case reviews to:

  • Explore clinical challenges
  • Find areas of opportunity and pockets of excellence
  • Look for not only errors, but excellence